My buddy Steven asked me to sit for some photos last month, a request I say yes to as often as I can for the homies. I’m about as comfortable in front of the camera as behind it, due in part to a lifelong practice of self-portraiture.
Like these five photos, taken by myself in my apartment before Steven arrived, because I had some time to kill and a roll of CineStill 800T (great for indoor low light), and because I was already all dressed up.
If you look closely at my right fist, I’m squeezing the rubber bulb of a cable release—a long tube that screws into my camera’s shutter button at one end, and has the hollow rubber ball at the other end. When I squeeze the ball, air shoots through and presses the shutter. (I have a 20’ one I got from B&H that’s pretty much exactly like this.)
Some of Steven’s shots from this night can be found on my IG and probably at some point on his, but still visit @mestonmestoff to peep his other work.
Thanks for reading, you’re beautiful.