Today I am launching a new video series called My Friend the Artist in which I interview friends who are (you guessed it) artists. The videos will be posted to my YouTube channel and linked here and on Instagram, and will center around each artist’s work and process. My first subject is Amy Robison, who I count as one of my best friends, and who is also one of the most prolific artists I have ever met. Amy describes herself as “an ideas man,” and she ain’t wrong. Amy has more ideas than any other person I’ve ever met, and is constantly working on something. She’s also really good at verbalizing her thoughts—as a person who sometimes flounders and grasps for the right words to describe something in my head, I am envious of Amy’s ability to articulate her point of view. So she was an obvious first choice for the premiere episode of this project, and did not disappoint. Check out below.